I successfully built and booted the Texas Instruments Processor SDK for the BeagleBone X15 using Yocto with the following command:
MACHINE=beagle-x15 bitbake -c populate_sdk arago-core-tisdk-image
Now I installed the Yocto SDK on the Ubuntu Host machine so that I can use QtCreator to CrossCompile and deploy from Ubuntu.
I setup the kit, but Yocto believes the Qt Installation is invalid ( please see the following screenshots ):
What can I do to fix this?
Turns out you need to source the environment-setup file prior to launching qtcreator:
[linux-devkit]:/usr/local/arago-2016.12> ls
environment-setup site-config-armv7ahf-neon-linux-gnueabi sysroots version-armv7ahf-neon-linux-gnueabi
[linux-devkit]:/usr/local/arago-2016.12> pwd