Trying to use Linq to create an inner join on data from SQL Server and Excel. I can query each source independently but get an error when joining sources. The error returned is
An IQueryable that returns a self-referencing Constant expression is not supported.
What does that mean and how can I fix the method?
/// <summary>
/// LINQ inner join to Excel query
/// Sends the results of the query to a dataGridView.
/// Requires a DATAContext to talk to SQL Server.
/// Uses Linq to Excel to talk to Excel
/// </summary>
private void QueryDatabase()
var excelFile = @"C:\Test\Cad_Database.xlsx";
var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(excelFile);
GdaDataContext gda= new GdaDataContext();
var query = from f in gda.DirectoryAnalysis
join e in excel.Worksheet("Sheet1") on f.Fullname equals e["FullPath"]
select new
ExcelFullName = e["FullPath"],
DrawingTitle = e["Drawing Title"],
DrawingNumber = e["Drawing Number"],
DrawingDate = e["Drawing Date"],
VendorName = e["Vendor Name"],
foreach (var item in query)
LogWriter.LogEvent($"{item.Fullname} {item.ExcelFullName} {item.DrawingTitle} {item.DrawingTitle}", "InnerJoinLinqToExcel");
dataGridView1.DataSource = query;
I don't know what gda.DirectoryAnalysis is but since you are joining two different data sources it makes sense to make an in-memory join (of course take care you are not joining too much data in memory). So perhaps changing the 4th line to var query = from f in gda.DirectoryAnalysis.ToList()
could work ?