I have written a packet sniffer code everything is working but I want to separate packets from specific IP. To do so i need to access the buffer, which stores the IP address by using inet_ntop(). How can i compare "sbuf/dbuf" with specific IP. I tried by storing the IP in another 'char' array and compare them but it didn't work.
This is my code for IP's of incoming packets;
/* Parse IP protocol */
struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr*) next_hdr;
char sbuf[32];
char dbuf[32];
printf("\tIP version: %u ihl: %u ttl: %u protocol: %u src: %s dst %s\n",
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip->saddr, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)),
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip->daddr, dbuf, sizeof(dbuf))
Just help me in comparing specific IP with incoming packets, i'll do the rest.
I am stuck at this for a while now. HELP... !!!
I am working on linux.
You should do it the other way round; convert the IP you are looking for into an integer and compare that directly with ip->saddr
in_addr_t x = inet_addr("");
if (x == ip->saddr) {
// Do something
This should be more efficient and the better way to go.