I have a problem with Select object in ZF2.
Class One {
function search(){
$select = new Select();
$select->join(['t'=>'table'],'t.id = other_table.table_id',[]);
function conditions(select $select){
$select->join(['t'=>'table'],'t.id = other_table.table_id',[]);
First join is fine (in condition() method). How can I check if table is already joined when I want to join it second time?
I couldn't find the answer...
If you take a look at Zend\Db\Sql\Select class in ZF2 you will see that there is no method that can give you that information.
I would suggest to create a separate method for join operations in your class and have a flag (boolean) in your class that will indicate whether join method has been called:
private $isJoinCalled = false;
private function join($select){
$select->join(['t'=>'table'],'t.id = other_table.table_id',[]);
$this->isJoinCalled = true;
This way you can call this method after you check whether join was called or not: