Using ReactJS and MaterialUI I'm trying to have the same width for all columns of a Table. I expected to have this as a default behavior when I'm not setting any width, but it's not the case: the last column is always smaller.
I've made a small example on codesandbox:
Actually I could set the width of all columns to 33% and it would work for this specific case, but it gets complicated if the number of columns is variable. What is the standard way to have columns of equal width using ReactJS and the Table of MaterialUI?
I make column have width: 'calc(100%/3)'
so it will have 3 equal width column
I made a CustomTableCell to contain common style width: 'calc(100%/3)'
const CustomTableCell = withStyles(theme => ({
root: {
width: 'calc(100%/3)'
Sandbox: (have issue on FireFox)
Edit: after @fitz feedback my solution not work on FireFox. I made some change so it can better support with Firefox also
with this CustomTableCell
const CustomTableCell = withStyles(theme => ({
root: {
width: "calc(100vw/3)",
padding: "10px 24px",
display: "table-cell"
Sandbox (fix issue with FireFox):