I'm trying to create a simple array in my apps. May I know how to calculate distance between 2 elements in my array? Example:-
I have an array as below:-
var aryNumberList = ["7","4","8","6","9","1"]
if i get my textfield A = 7 and textfield B = 9 So my expected output is 4
if i get my textfield A = 6 and textfield B = 1 So my expected output is 2
if i get my textfield A = 1 and textfield B = 6 So my expected output is 4 (** will continue from begin)
Your help is appreciated! Thank you.
var positionA = 0 // declare as global variable
var positionB = 0 // declare as global variable
for i in 0 ..< aryNumberList.count {
if Int(aryNumberList[i]) == textfieldA.text {
positionA = i
if Int(aryNumberList[i]) == textfieldB.text {
positionB = i
if positionA > positionB {
print("** will continue from begin")
}else {
var distance = positionB - positionA