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Limit autocomplete binding after specific number of character been typed

With the jQuery autocomplete, there are properties I can set to only initiate populating the list when a specific number of characters are typed by the user. This helps to reduce the number of items in the list, when ServerFiltering is enabled.



However, I don't see anything similar in the Angular component, unless I'm missing something. There is the filterchange event

This assumes that the list has already been populated and data binding has occurred, so that the list can be filtered.

How can I only bind the list when some minimum number of characters has been typed, as in the case with the jQuery widget using ServerBinding?


  • You can initially data-bind the AutoComplete to an empty array or a collection of preset initial data items, and call the data service to obtain data from the server only after the user has typed a certain number of characters, e.g.:


    Modified example