I am trying to use the API named "Offres d'emploi v2" (Job vacancies) available from the French Public Employment Service (Pôle Emploi). The API is described here. Using the API requires a token, and an authentification via OAuth v2, in a process described here.
I'm using R 3.5.0 and httr 1.3.1. First, I specify the request body. eeid
and eesec
are the identifier and the secret key delivered by Pôle Emploi when I registered.
request_body <- list(
grant_type = "client_credentials",
client_id = eeid,
client_secret = eesec,
scope = paste(
paste0("application_",eeid,"%20api_offresdemploiv2"), sep = " "))
Then, I run the POST request:
result_auth <- POST(
realm = "/partenaire",
body = request_body,
which returns an error about the content type:
> result_auth
Response [https://entreprise.pole-emploi.fr/connexion/oauth2/access_token]
Date: 2018-09-29 14:33
Status: 400
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Size: 70 B
> content(result_auth)
[1] "invalid_request"
[1] "Invalid Content Type"
I also tried to replace the line add_headers('Content-Type'='application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
with content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
, but I get the same error message.
I'm obviously doing something wrong here, but what? Thanks for your help.
Here is an answer following directly the comment by @hrbrmstr. Many thanks to him.
Instead of specifying the content type as a header, one should use the encode = "form"
option in the POST
Note that eeid
and eesec
are the identifier and the secret key delivered by Pôle Emploi at registration. The complete script looks like this.
request_body <- list(
grant_type = "client_credentials",
client_id = eeid,
client_secret = eesec,
scope = paste(
paste0("application_",eeid), sep = " "))
result_auth <- POST(
query = list(realm = "/partenaire"),
body = request_body,
encode = "form"