I am new to messenger platform, I did search a lot on the internet how to make a "get started" button on messenger in python but there is no answer. Below is my code:
def send_get_started(bot,recipient_id):
button = {
"payload" : "first_coming"
the send_raw function here I get from bot.py in pymessenger2 on python which is here (also the code below)
def send_raw(self, payload):
request_endpoint = '{0}/me/messages'.format(self.graph_url)
response = requests.post(
data=json.dumps(payload, cls=AttrsEncoder),
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
result = response.json()
return result
Of course it did not work, I think I misunderstand somewhere, could somebody show me my problem? Thanh you so much.
The endpoint should be: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messenger_profile
You could see this in the reference: Get Started Reference