I have a model that has an ImageField attribute.
I update the model objects using the django admin and I needed something to delete the old image when a new image is uploaded while trying to update an object.
So I created a pre_save
signal that should delete the old image file from the server when the user attempts to update the model object.
The problem is: When the user updates object's attributes other than the ImageField attribute, the signal still deletes the locally saved image file..
How can I change the signal to delete the file only if a new file was selected in django admin?
In other words, I need to check if the user uploaded a file while trying to update the object in django admin.
IMPORTANT NOTE: My signal works with many models.. and I need to keep it like that.
Here is the signal code:
def pre_save_image_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if not valid_model(sender.__name__):
# Get file path on the server
path = get_photo_path(sender.__name__, instance.pk)
# delete the file if it exists
if path and file_exists(path):
Here is the solution after trying many things:
if str(photo.path) == str(photo.file):
The above code will be true only if there was no new file uploaded during object update.