The objective is to find the first day of the year, and subsequently calculate calendars based off of that, and leap years. The issue I'm running into is; while the class was given a formula (unable to use arrays or functions), I'm able to get a proper result for most given years, except when it comes to calculating saturdays (a 0 for a remainder after modulus.)
Is my formula way off?
I will link the page that breaks down the formula and of course provide mine.
**Here is the page with the formula: **
Math Forum - Formula for the First Day of a Year
Here is my formula with my code:
//Calculating Dates:
//N = d + 2m + [3(m+1)/5] + y + [y/4] - [y/100] + [y/400] + 2
//N = 1 + 2(13) + [3(13+1)/5] + year_int + [year_int/4] - [year_int/100] +
//[year_int/400] + 2
// I'm using a hard-coded "13" to represent January in the place of m
day_one =
1 + 2*(13) + 3*(13 + 1)/5 + year_int + (year_int / 4) - (year_int / 100) + (year_int / 400) +
day_one = day_one % 7;
if (day_one < 0 || day_one >= 7) {
printf("Invalid Day\n");
} else {
switch (day_one) {
case 1:
weekday = "Sunday";
printf("%s", weekday);
case 2:
weekday = "Monday";
printf("%s", weekday);
case 3:
weekday = "Tuesday";
printf("%s", weekday);
case 4:
weekday = "Wednesday";
printf("%s", weekday);
case 5:
weekday = "Thursday";
printf("%s", weekday);
case 6:
weekday = "Friday";
printf("%s", weekday);
case 0:
weekday = "Saturday";
printf("%s", weekday);
default: printf("Error");
I truly appreciate any assistance, I'm only looking for guidance.
Thank you!
I hope that this is more clear. Please see the comment with !!! inside the function
ZELLER'S Algorithm's_congruence
Gregorian calendar
#include <stdio.h>
int day_of_week(int d,int m,int y);
int main(void)
int day,month,year;
printf ("Day, Month, Year\n");
scanf ("%d %d %d",&day,&month,&year);
return 0;
int day_of_week(int d, int m, int y)
//This function returns the ISO number of the day for a given day,month,year
int day;
if (d<1 || d>31 || m<1 || m>12 || y<1583 ) return 0; // In that case we have major error!
if ((m==1) || (m==2))
{m=m+12;--y;} // You have to do this correction !!!!
day=day % 7; // 0=Saturday 1=Sunday ...
day=((day+5) % 7)+1; // Convertion to ISO date: 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday ..
return (day);