I analysed the following data sample using SPSS, to find if there is any relationship between the dependent variable of (Type_of_Sacrum) and the independent variables of (Sex, S.weight, S.length, S.width and Body_Mass). I used Chi-Squared model for (Type_of_Sacrum and Sex). I also used linear regression for (Type_of_Sacrum and S.weight, S.length, S.width and Body_Mass). I am not sure if i am doing the right thing specially that the dependent variable (Type_of_Sacrum) is nominal.
Linear Regression is usually carried out when your dependent variable is a continuous variable.(https://www.statisticshowto.datasciencecentral.com/continuous-variable/)
Since your dependent variable comes across as categorical, you may want to look at performing Logistic Regression. You can find some reference on What is the difference between linear regression and logistic regression?