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How can I get a Clojure Spec as an object?

I want to look at the data-structure which represents a Clojure Spec.

How can I get and have a look in it?

Eg. given

(s/def ::myspec (s/keys :opt-un [::x ::y]))

I want to pretty print the internal representation of myspec.


  • You can use s/form which "return[s] the spec as data":

    (s/form ::myspec)
    => (clojure.spec.alpha/keys :opt-un [:user/x :user/y])

    Or s/describe for an abbreviated version of the same thing:

    (s/describe ::myspec)
    => (keys :opt-un [:user/x :user/y])

    Both these ultimately depend on the describe* method of the Spec protocol:

    (defprotocol Spec
      (conform* [spec x])
      (unform* [spec y])
      (explain* [spec path via in x])
      (gen* [spec overrides path rmap])
      (with-gen* [spec gfn])
      (describe* [spec]))

    So each spec type is responsible for describing itself. For example the map spec implementation just rebuilds its literal definition from its initial inputs like this:

    (describe* [_] (cons `keys
                          (cond-> []
                                  req (conj :req req)
                                  opt (conj :opt opt)
                                  req-un (conj :req-un req-un)
                                  opt-un (conj :opt-un opt-un))))