I want to fetch mongodb collection with multiple conditions but I am getting the error:
panic: Failed to parse: filter: [ { visibility: { $eq: "4" } }, {
discontinued: { $ne: "1" } }, { status: { $eq: "1" } } ]. 'filter' field
must be of BSON type Object.
The code is as follow:
package main
import (
func GenerateFeed(headers, attributes interface{}, conditions
[]interface{}) {
var operations = []bson.M{}
for _, val := range conditions {
var attr, operator, value interface{}
cons := val.(map[interface{}]interface{})
for range cons {
attr = cons["attribute"]
operator = cons["operator"]
value = cons["value"]
switch operator {
case "==":
operator = "$eq"
case "!=":
operator = "$ne"
case "()":
operator = "$in"
operations = append(operations, bson.M{attr.(string):
bson.M{operator.(string): value}})
var products []Prod
session := Connect()
collection := session.DB("rfgv2").C("catalog_product_entity_1")
err := collection.Find(operations).All(&products)
type Prod struct {
EntityId string `bson:"entity_id"`
Name string `bson:"name"`
TypeId string `bson:"type_id"`
Sku string `bson:"sku"`
Manufacturer int32 `bson:"manufacturer"`
Status int32 `bson:"status"`
Visibility int32 `bson:"visibility"`
EnableGoogleCheckout int32 `bson:"enable_google_checkout"`
Delivery string `bson:"delivery"`
MetaTitle string `bson:"meta_title"`
MetaDescription string `bson:"meta_description"`
Image string `bson:"image"`
SmallImage string `bson:"small_image"`
Thumbnail string `bson:"thumbnail"`
Gallery string `bson:"gallery"`
UrlKey string `bson:"url_key"`
UrlPath string `bson:"url_path"`
Mpn string `bson:"mpn"`
ProductListingAds string `bson:"product_listing_ads"`
Color string `bson:"color"`
Price float32 `bson:"price"`
Cost float32 `bson:"cost"`
TierPriceForBundle float32 `bson:"tier_price_for_bundle"`
RegularPrice float32 `bson:"regular_price"`
SpecialFromDate string `bson:"special_from_date"`
Description string `bson:"description"`
MetaKeyword string `bson:"meta_keyword"`
Dimensions string `bson:"dimensions"`
Features string `bson:"features"`
DeliveryPopupMessage string `bson:"delivery_popup_message"`
CreatedAt string `bson:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt string `bson:"updated_at"`
I am trying to fetch records based on multiple aggregate functions from mongodb with go. Basically if we remove the square brackets and try with mongo command it works, but how to fix this in go?
Thank You.
The problem vas you were declaring the operations
as a []bson.M{}
, so you're obtaining an array of maps.
If you check the definition of bson.M{} it's a map[string]interface{}
You just need to add elements to the map (in your case the operations you want). For do this, the syntax is yourMap[yourKey] = yourValue
Try the following code for the operations loop generation:
operations := bson.M{}
for _, val := range conditions {
var attr, operator, value interface{}
cons := val.(map[interface{}]interface{})
for range cons {
attr = cons["attribute"]
operator = cons["operator"]
value = cons["value"]
switch operator {
case "==":
operator = "$eq"
case "!=":
operator = "$ne"
case "()":
operator = "$in"
operations[attr.(string)] = bson.M{operator.(string): value}