I have a list of lists that each contain a file object and a list of strings:
sample = [
[fileobject1, ['hello', 'world']],
[fileobject2, ['something', 'else']]
I type annotated sample
like this:
List[List[Union[IO, List[str]]]]
Further in my code I call some methods on the first (0) and second (1) entry of the inner list.
For example like this to clear the most inner list:
The code runs fine, but mypy rightly complains that:
Item "IO[Any]" of "Union[IO[Any], List[str]]" has no attribute "clear"
How would I type-annotate this correctly? Maybe use a different data structure all together?
Rather then using lists, you should use tuples. For example:
sample: List[Tuple[IO, List[str]]] = [
(fileobject1, ['hello', 'world']),
(fileobject2, ['something', 'else']),
Mypy assumes that lists are homogeneous: they will only ever contain one kind of type. Tuples are meant to contain heterogeneous data: each item is allowed to have a different type.
Note that tuples aren't the only types you could use here -- you could create and use a custom class, or used NamedTuples... But switching to tuples would likely be the simplest fix here.