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c#wpfdatatablewpfdatagrid in each row of DataGrid when binding to DataTable

I am trying to bind to a DataTable to a DataGrid in wpf.

Here is my code:

My Model:

private DataTable _runNumbers;
public DataTable RunNumbers
        _runNumbers = value;
        if (_runNumbers == null) { _runNumbers = new DataTable("RunNumbers"); }
        return _runNumbers;

public RunNumberModel() //Constructor
    RunNumbers.Columns.Add(" ", typeof(string));
    RunNumbers.Columns[" "].ReadOnly = true;

My view:

<DataGrid Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Width="400" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="20" ItemsSource="{Binding RunNumbers.RunNumbers}" />

Which produces: Application

I cannot seem to figure out how to show the value of the cell rather then System.Data.DataRowView - I was thinking perhaps I need a DataTemplate of some sort but I am not sure how I would set this up.

I have looked at many other posts online and have had no success.

If anyone knows the problem I would really appreciate it. Thanks!


  • It should work if you use a valid column name like for example "x":

    public RunNumberModel() //Constructor
        RunNumbers.Columns.Add("x", typeof(string));
        RunNumbers.Columns["x"].ReadOnly = true;