In my plot, I want different colors of ripples. so can you please tell me how to add ripples of this mayavi 3d plot. my code is given bellow.
this is my image i want to add ripples to surface the axis ripple:sample image:
import scipy as np
from mayavi import mlab
x,y = np.mgrid[-3:3:100j, -3:3:100j]
a = 0.3
a0 = 0.2
r1=np.sqrt((x-a)**2 + y**2)
values = np.exp(-r1/a0), warp_scale='auto')
# mlab.test_contour3d()
If you're looking for a static image of 'ripples', try the numpy sinc function. That should do what you want. It is the result of Fourier-transforming a delta function.