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Publish Web App (MVC) to Azure (Blue azure screen)

I have been struggling for days now with this and do not understand neither can i find the cause of my problem. I have a ASP MVC web app with a Class library and the default web project, i am using Entity Framework.

I am getting this Azure blue default screen when publishing my app: enter image description here

while when creating a new web app, also using entity framework i don't have this issue and the web app launches correctly to the Index page.

I do not understand what is happening and how i can fix this ... I tried importing the profile from azure and also creating it from VS but same results ... Any suggestion is welcome, thank you in advance! Kind regards


  • So i started comparing the new web app that did work and my app which didn't and turns out these little sections in the Web.config where causing the issue:

      <remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" />
      <remove name="OPTIONSVerbHandler" />
      <remove name="TRACEVerbHandler" />

    Don't know how they got there but comment those and it works ... Case closed!