I am attempting to create a list of lists containing the mean and standard deviation values from a Normal Distribution with Mean of 5, Standard Deviation of 5 and Sample Size of 10 simulated 50,000 times.
E.g. List = ((5, 5), (5, 5), (5, 5))
I know that I can do the following code to generate a vector containing 50,000 sample means from the above process:
sample_means_1 <- rep (NA, reps)
for (i in 1: reps){
sample_means_1[i] <- mean(rnorm(n_10, 5, 5))
now contains a vector of 50,000 sample means for sample size of 10
What I don't know is how I can capture the mean and standard deviation from the same run when using rnorm
and plug it into a list type structure.
Does it make more sense to try a method that returns values into a dataframe instead?
Please note future readers:
Ans in comment generates a list from @user2974951
Ans Accepted generates a matrix from @James
You can use an anonymous function within replicate
to pull out stats from repeated draws from a distribution:
replicate(5, {function(x) c(mean=mean(x),sd=sd(x))}(rnorm(10,5,5)))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
mean 5.372839 4.042219 4.145441 5.148652 5.202886
sd 3.929017 5.190347 4.802461 5.515714 4.173267