As far as my little current experience allows me to understand, one of the core concepts about "microservice" is that it relies on its own database which is independent from other microservices.
Diving into how to handle distributed transactions in a microservices system, the best strategy seems to be the Event Sourcing pattern whose core is the Event Store.
Is the event store shared between different microservices? Or there are multiple independent event stores databases for each microservice and a single common event broker?
If the first option is the solution, using CQRS I can now assume that every microservice's database is intended as query-side, while the shared event store is on the command-side. Is it a wrong assumption?
And since we are in the topic: how many retries I have to do in case of a concurrent write in a Stream using optimistic locking?
A very big big thanks in advance for every piece of advice you can give me!
Is the event store shared between different microservices? Or there are multiple independent event stores databases for each microservice and a single common event broker?
Every microservice should write to its own Event store, from their point of view. This could mean separate instances or separate partitions inside the same instance. This allows the microservices to be scaled independently.
If the first option is the solution, using CQRS I can now assume that every microservice's database is intended as query-side, while the shared event store is on the command-side. Is it a wrong assumption?
Kinda. As I wrote above each microservice should have its own Event store (or a partition inside a shared instance). A microservice should not append events to other microservice Event store.
Regarding reading events, I think that reading events should be in general permitted. Polling the Event store is the simplest (and the best in my opinion) solution to propagate changes to other microservices. It has the advantage that the remote microservice polls at the rate it can and what events it wants. This can be scaled very nice by creating Event store replicas, as much as it is needed.
There are some cases when you would want to not publish every domain event from the Event store. Some say that there are could exist internal domain events on that the other microservices should not depend. In this case you could mark the events as free (or not) for external consuming.
The cleanest solution to propagate changes in a microservice is to have live queries to whom other microservices could subscribe. It has the advantage that the projection logic does not leak to other microservice but it also has the disadvantage that the emitting microservice must define+implement those queries; you can do this when you notice that other microservices duplicate the projection logic. An example of this query is the total order price in an ecommerce application. You could have a query like this WhatIsTheTotalPriceOfTheOrder
that is published every time an item is added to/removed from/updated in an Order.
And since we are in the topic: how many retries I have to do in case of a concurrent write in a Stream using optimistic locking?
As many as you need, i.e. until the write succeeds. You could have a limit of 99999, just to be detect when something is horribly wrong with the retry mechanism. In any case, the concurrent write should be retried only when a write is done at the same time on the same stream (for one Aggregate instance) and not for the entire Event store.