Search code examples

TurboTable select/unselect programmatically

I have a TurboTable definition with checkbox selection like below:

<p-table [columns]="cols" [value]="dataJSONArray" [paginator]="true" [rows]="10" [scrollable]="true"
  [(selection)]="dtSelectedRows" dataKey="OrderId">
  <ng-template pTemplate="colgroup" let-columns>
      <col style="width: 3em">
      <col *ngFor="let col of columns" [ngStyle]="{'width': col.widthPx + 'px'}">
  <ng-template pTemplate="header">
      <th *ngFor="let col of cols">{{col.header}}</th>
  <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-col>
    <tr [pSelectableRow]="rowData">
        <p-tableCheckbox [value]="rowData"></p-tableCheckbox>

If i change dtSelectedRows array (selection), nothing happens (dtSelectedRows array changes, but checked columns does not change -stay checked-):

this.dtSelectedRows.splice(indx, 1);

But if i assign an array to dtSelectedRows array, changes take affect:

let dummySelectedRow = Object.assign([], this.dtSelectedRows);
dummySelectedRow.splice(indx, 1);
this.dtSelectedRows = dummySelectedRow;


  • You need to set the selection mode proprty to single in this case the dtSelectedRows will be refrence to object instand of array of selected value.

    <p-tableHeaderCheckbox></p-tableHeaderCheckbox> set selection mode to multiple selection , you can solve this is to use p-tableRadioButton (radio button) if you want to support single selection mode

    <p-table  [columns]="cols" [value]="data" [paginator]="true" [rows]="10" [scrollable]="true"
      [(selection)]="dtSelectedRows" >
      <ng-template pTemplate="header">
          <th *ngFor="let col of cols">{{col.header}}</th>
      <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-col>
        <tr [pSelectableRow]="rowData">
            <p-tableRadioButton [value]="rowData"></p-tableRadioButton>
          <td *ngFor="let col of cols">{{rowData[col.field]}}<td>

    set selected item by method

        this.dtSelectedRows =[0];

    In case of you want to remove an item based on condition in multiple mode

        if (this.dtSelectedRows) {
          this.dtSelectedRows = this.dtSelectedRows.filter(car => car.year > 2005) 

    stackblitz demo