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Why doesn't "select_for_update()" work in Django with MySQL?

I have a table like below:

SELECT id, name FROM node;
| id | name |
|  5 | na   |

Then define below function:

>>> def foo_with_sfu(seconds):
...     with transaction.atomic():
...         node = Node.objects.select_for_update().filter(pk=5)
...         time.sleep(seconds)
...         node = Node.objects.get(pk=5)
...         print(

I was hoping the select_for_update will lock row pk=5 so if I open another console to change the during time.sleep, the change operation will be blocked.

But actually when I run the function, and run update sql in another console during the time.sleep, the update were not blocked.

It seems the select for update not locking up the row. Why?


  • Your select_for_update() query is never evaluated, so the lock is never executed on the database. See the documentation for when and how querysets get evaluated.

    If you simply wrap the call in a queryset-evaluating function your test should work. For example:

    with transaction.atomic():
        node = list(Node.objects.select_for_update().filter(pk=5))