I've been running in a problem where I believe a call is returning too early and makes my response always a 404 - Not Found message. The entry is made in the database, so it's returning early from what I can tell. I think I've awaited the correct parts, but clearly that is not the case. I've also tried awaiting on the db.AddUser as well, with no luck there.
//Post signup
public async SignUpAsync(ctx: Context) {
try {
let code = await SignUpVerification.GenerateCode();
let user = await this.InfoFromRequest(ctx.request.body);
user.Code = code;
await db.AddUser(user);
console.log('added db user');
//await SignUpVerification.SendVerificationText(user.PhoneNumber, code)
console.log('success message');
ctx.body = 'Success';
} catch (err) {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = err;
private async InfoFromRequest(requestBody: any) {
return {
Email: requestBody['email'],
FirstName: requestBody['firstname'],
MiddleName: requestBody['middlename'],
LastName: requestBody['lastname'],
Pwd: requestBody['pwd'],
PhoneNumber: requestBody['phonenumber']
} as IUserModel;
Call to the model
async AddUser(newUser: IUserModel) {
return await userModel.AddUser(newUser);
Model call
async AddUser(newUser: IUserModel) {
try {
var userToSave = new User({
name: {
firstname: newUser.FirstName,
middlename: newUser.MiddleName,
lastname: newUser.LastName
email: newUser.Email,
pwd: newUser.Pwd,
code: newUser.Code,
phonenumber: newUser.PhoneNumber
let result = await userToSave.save();
console.log('New User saved');
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err);
Method generates code that is returned from Model Call
static async GenerateCode() {
return await (Math.floor(Math.random() * 90000) + 10000).toString();
Evert was onto the right track with looking at how the function was added in the middleware.
(ctx) => {
async (ctx) => {
await this.controller.LoginAsync(ctx);