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Adding s3 signed url in embed for a pdf doesn't work

The url which looks like

Isn't getting displayed , however the url gets downloaded separately.I have modified the url here.But the actual url works and downloads the pdf if opened in a different tab. Is there a workaround?


  • As @Michael-sqlbot correctly pointed out. The content-type had to be application/pdf. Javascript code for reference :

    var s3 = new AWS.S3({
                apiVersion: '2006-03-01',
                region: 'ap-abc-1',
                params: {
                    Bucket: BucketName,
                    ServerSideEncryption: "AES256",
                    ContentType: 'application/pdf'

    It makes sense that the browser to understand that the url is actually a pdf, it's necessary to add this content-type to it.However, I want to point out that for other file-types like mp3,mp4,jpg,png etc. this was not required in my particular case.Don't know if it is universally true.