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Give condition for choosing one mode when there are more than one in R

I have a categoric variable for which I want to find the mode. In particular, I want to find the mode for the variable Ethic group, i.e. the most common ethnic group. I will do that grouping by household, i.e. finding the most common ethnic group in a household. The problem is, if there are more than one mode (more than one ethnic group are dominant one), then I would like to get the one from the household head (there is another variable that indicates whether the person is the household head).

Basically, we would have the table HQ2:

H_Code      Rela_HH Ethn
1    AS-01      10  SEN
2    AS-01       1  SEN
3    AS-02       1   FA
4    AS-02       2   MA
5    AS-02       4   MA
6    AS-02       4   FA
7    AS-03       1   NZ
8    AS-03       2   MA

Where H_Code=Household code, Rela_HH=relation to household head (1 means household head), Ethn=ethnic group.

You will see that AS-02 has two modes: FA and MA. In this case, I want R to give me the one of the person with value=1 for Rela_HH.

So far, I have just managed to do a normal mode and can't find a way to code for the additional bit.

Mode <- function(x) {
  ux <- unique(x)
  ux[which.max(tabulate(match(, ux)))]

HQ2$c <-  with(HQ2, ave(Ethn, H_Code, FUN=Mode))


  • I'm sure there's a good data.table method to do this. I'll edit my answer if I come up with one. Right now I have an easy way to do this with order and dplyr. Note that the Mode function will take the first Ethn, so I reordered them in hq2 to demonstrate.


    hq2 <- data.table(H_Code = c("AS-01", "AS-01", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-03", "AS-03"), Rela_HH = c(10,1,1,2,4,4,2,1), Ethn = c("SEN", "SEN", "FA", "MA", "MA", "FA", "NZ", "MA"))
    hq2[order(H_Code, Rela_HH), ] %>% 
      group_by(H_Code) %>% 
      summarize(Ethn_Mode = Mode(Ethn))
    # A tibble: 3 x 2
      H_Code Ethn_Mode
      <chr>  <chr>    
    1 AS-01  SEN      
    2 AS-02  MA       
    3 AS-03  MA

    Data Table

    If you had a big table, you could set your keys to H_Code and Rela_HH to make some quicker sorting.

    hq1 <-
    hq1[order(H_Code, Rela_HH), ][, Mode(Ethn), by = list(H_Code)]
       H_Code  V1
    1:  AS-01 SEN
    2:  AS-02  MA
    3:  AS-03  MA


    Here is the revised dplyr code.

    hq3 %>% 
      group_by(H_Code, Ethn) %>% 
      mutate(eth_count = sum(n())) %>% 
      mutate(priority = all(1 %in% Rela_HH & !1 %in% eth_count)) %>% 
      arrange(H_Code, desc(priority), desc(eth_count), Rela_HH) %>%
      ungroup() %>% 
      group_by(H_Code) %>% 
      filter(row_number() %in% 1)

    Here is the revised data.table code, which does not use any mode function. What it does is create a priority column, which is set to TRUE if any ethnicity occurs more than once, and an entry in that group has a 1 set in Rela_HH. You then set your sorting order to work out the order and any ties (H_Code, -priority, -count, Rela_HH).

    Three datasets that have different scenarios, hq3 (HH ethnicity occurs >1, but < non-HH), hq4 (HH ethnicity occurs 1), and hq5 (HH ethnicity occurs >1, and > non-HH).

    hq3 <- data.table(H_Code = c("AS-01", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-03", "AS-03"), Rela_HH = c(10,4,3,2,1,5,2,1), Ethn = c("SEN", "FA", "FA", "FA", "MA", "MA", "NZ", "MA"))
    hq4 <- data.table(H_Code = c("AS-01", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-03", "AS-03"), Rela_HH = c(10,4,3,2,1,5,2,1), Ethn = c("SEN", "MA", "FA", "FA", "ZA", "MA", "NZ", "MA"))
    hq5 <- data.table(H_Code = c("AS-01", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-02", "AS-03", "AS-03"), Rela_HH = c(10,4,3,2,1,5,2,1), Ethn = c("SEN", "MA", "FA", "FA", "MA", "MA", "NZ", "MA"))
    hq3[, `:=` (count = .N), by = list(H_Code, Ethn)][, priority := all(1 %in% Rela_HH & !1 %in% count), by = list(H_Code, Ethn)][order(H_Code, Rela_HH, -count), ] # leave off the last [] section, it's here to show this output in order
       H_Code Rela_HH Ethn count priority
    1:  AS-01      10  SEN     1    FALSE
    2:  AS-02       1   MA     2     TRUE
    3:  AS-02       2   FA     3    FALSE
    4:  AS-02       3   FA     3    FALSE
    5:  AS-02       4   FA     3    FALSE
    6:  AS-02       5   MA     2     TRUE
    7:  AS-03       1   MA     1    FALSE
    8:  AS-03       2   NZ     1    FALSE
    hq3[order(H_Code, -priority, -count, Rela_HH), ][hq3[, .I[1], by = list(H_Code)]$V1]
       H_Code Rela_HH Ethn count priority
    1:  AS-01      10  SEN     1    FALSE
    2:  AS-02       1   MA     2     TRUE
    3:  AS-03       1   MA     1    FALSE


    Which one is faster? Data.table, roughly by a factor of 2, and with keys set on a big table, maybe more.

    > microbenchmark(DTmeth(hq1), dplyrmeth(hq2), neval = 1000)
    Unit: nanoseconds
               expr     min      lq       mean    median      uq     max neval cld
        DTmeth(hq1)  624865  641316  665616.17  654145.5  677087  847038   100  b 
     dplyrmeth(hq2) 1144980 1161583 1202274.35 1180147.5 1223617 1651814   100   c
              neval       0       0       3.56       1.0       1     303   100 a  

    Revised code test (I'm curious if there's a better way for data.table to do this since it's about equal with dplyr now):

    Unit: nanoseconds
                expr     min        lq       mean    median        uq      max neval cld
         DTmeth(hq5)  653542  683727.5  773249.70  706670.5  747120.5  1791880   100  b 
        DT2meth(hq5) 1670831 1816633.0 1947881.22 1874742.5 2040164.5  2892786   100   c
      dplyrmeth(hq3) 1169733 1232672.5 1587836.22 1281876.5 1367757.5 24089844   100   c
     dplyr2meth(hq3) 1414848 1506917.5 1903192.98 1541481.5 1631438.0 26743551   100   c
               neval       0       1.0      18.88       1.0       1.0      303   100 a