I want to retrieve the percentage of disk space left for a particular diskX: from all hosts within a particular host group. I tried to work with the item.get() function but that returned an empty list.
zapi =ZabbixApi(server)
for t in zapi.item.get(groups = 'Type1',filter = {'name': 'Free Disk Space on X'},)
This^^ method using the item.get method. Gives me an empty list
I tried using the history.get method but that kept timing out
for t in groups:
t2 += zapi.history.get(filter = {'name':'free Disk Space on E:(percentage)'},)
Anyone have any experience with Zabbix Api's to advice me on what I am doing wrong?
Thanks :)
Edited after more details regarding the request, see the comments.
To avoid php timeouts you should split your requests and use time_from/time_till as Jan suggested.
When using discovered items the item name obtained through the APIs will not expand the macros, there's a feature request about it.
For example if you use a Windows Filesystem Discovery and your server has C: and D: drives, in Zabbix you will have two items with the same name ("Free disk space on $1 (percentage)"
), while the discovered drive will be in the key_
field of each item, for instance:
So, you will have to call the item get API filtering for the generic name (the $1
), then get the history values only if the key_
contains your target drive name
I've updated the sample script with a hostgroup filter and more verbose variables and output: edit out any non-needed field to simplify the output you need.
from zabbix.api import ZabbixAPI
import re
import time
import datetime
zapi = ZabbixAPI(url=zabbixServer, user=zabbixUser, password=zabbixPass)
# Static filters, implement argparse if needed
itemFilter = { "name" : "Free disk space on $1 (percentage)" }
hostgroupFilter = { "name": "Some HostGroup" }
keyFilter = "C\:"
# args.f and args.t supplied from cmd line - see argparse
fromTimestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(args.f, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M").timetuple())
tillTimestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(args.t, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M").timetuple())
# Get only the host of the specified hostgroup
hostGroup = zapi.hostgroup.get(filter=hostgroupFilter,output='extend')
hosts = zapi.host.get(groupids=hostGroup[0]['groupid'],output='extend')
for host in hosts:
items = zapi.item.get(filter=itemFilter, host=host['host'], output='extend' )
for item in items:
# Check if the item key contains the target object (in your example, if in contains C:)
if re.search(keyFilter, item['key_']):
values = zapi.history.get(itemids=item['itemid'], time_from=fromTimestamp, time_till=tillTimestamp, history=item['value_type'])
for historyValue in values:
currentDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(historyValue['clock'])).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
print "{}:{}({}) - {} {} Value: {}".format(
currentDate, historyValue['value'])
Sample output of 5 minutes, hostgroup with 3 windows server
SRV01:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128853 28/09/2018 12:00:53 Value: 63.3960
SRV01:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128914 28/09/2018 12:01:54 Value: 63.3960
SRV01:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128974 28/09/2018 12:02:54 Value: 63.3960
SRV01:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538129034 28/09/2018 12:03:54 Value: 63.3960
SRV01:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538129094 28/09/2018 12:04:54 Value: 63.3960
SRV02:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128824 28/09/2018 12:00:24 Value: 52.2341
SRV02:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128885 28/09/2018 12:01:25 Value: 52.2341
SRV02:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128944 28/09/2018 12:02:24 Value: 52.2341
SRV02:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538129004 28/09/2018 12:03:24 Value: 52.2341
SRV02:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538129065 28/09/2018 12:04:25 Value: 52.2341
SRV03:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128828 28/09/2018 12:00:28 Value: 33.2409
SRV03:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128888 28/09/2018 12:01:28 Value: 33.2409
SRV03:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538128947 28/09/2018 12:02:27 Value: 33.2409
SRV03:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538129008 28/09/2018 12:03:28 Value: 33.2409
SRV03:Free disk space on $1 (percentage)(vfs.fs.size[C:,pfree]) - 1538129069 28/09/2018 12:04:29 Value: 33.2409