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Sql Agent Job SSIS Package Parameter value with curly brace causes error with SqlManager UI

I have a SSIS package deployed to the SSISDB catalog. The package is configurable with parameters for values such as FTP details.

I have noticed that attempting to create a SQL agent job for this package fails when any of the parameter values contains a left curly brace {

Unfortunately, one of the password parameters contains a left curly brace.

The question is: without resorting to replacing place holders for that character in the actual package (feels dirty), can this character be escaped or the job saved in a different way that will allow left curly braces?

Here is an image of the error message you get when attempting to save the agent job step. error message you get when attempting to save the agent job step with parameters containing values with curly brace

The Server is SQL Server 2014.


  • SSIS 2012 and newer seems to have a problem with Sensitive Package Parameters that contain special characters like a left curly brace. A workable alternative is to put the sensitive strings as Variables in a corresponding Environment and load the values from there as suggested by Jeremy J here.

    First, create a new Environment in the Integration Services Catalog on an existing SSISDB/{Project?}/Environment node

    enter image description here

    Then, configure the sensitive string variable that contains the offending character there
    and add a reference to the Environment in the Package.

    enter image description here

    Finally, on the Configuration tab of the Job, select the environment, and use the environment variables.

    enter image description here