It seems, that Janusys isn't active anymore. The Forum Posts get not answered since a while. In my application (Winforms!), I use there controls since a couple of years. Now I want to extend my application with the schedular Control. I found a Sample within the Janus Software, where they "explain", how the Control can be used, in DataBound mode. The Problem there is, that this example works with DataSet / TableAdapter. This I don't want to use, because I use in my whole application LinQ. Now, I tried to move on, with there sample application and rewrite it, so I can use LinQ. But I am not able to get it working.
I use BindingSource to bind my data via LinQ from the database to the Control. This works really fine and all saved Appointments get displayed as expected. But... I am not getting it working, to create/update Appointments. 1) The BindingSource AddNew Handler is fired, but with "NewObject" is Nothing 2) I don't know, how I get an existing Appointment verified, that this one is already saved in database, or if it is a new Appointment.
Does anyone could help me with this Problem and can explain, how I can do it Right, without using DataSet/TableAdapter?
THX a lot in Advance
THX a lot for everyone, who looked into it. I found a solution, which looks to work fine.
I have to add all appointments with a ForEach Loop and remove the BindingSource completly. Then I can add the Key Value, and from there, it is easy, because, I am able to see, if this is already an existing appointment (then the key has a value) or even not.
THX - Have a nice evenenig