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Seaborn Color Palette not working appropiate with lineplot

I'm having a little trouble with customizing my colors for a lineplot. I want to show an ensemble of spectras with a sequential color palette. The argument "palette="blues" works fine, but does not accept any appropriate color lists (like "Blues_d"), which do not include any bright colors.

This is a representative graph showing how my plot looks like

Below you can see the code I'm using.

color = (sns.dark_palette("purple"))

ax = sns.lineplot(x="Wavelength", y="Absorption", hue="t (min)", lw=1, data=df1, palette=color, legend="brief")

The problem is, that I get the following error:

ValueError: The palette list has the wrong number of colors.

So the question is: How can I use the lineplot function and using a sequential color palette of blues, reds, or whatever that do not include any bright colors?

I'm using pandas version 0.23.3, matplotlib version 2.2.2 and seaborn version 0.9.0


  • Since you mention the t (min) column in the hue option, you need to know the total number of unique values of the column.

    Assume that there are 5 unique values in the column. You, thus, can set the number to the n_colors option of sns.color_palette:

    ax = sns.lineplot(x="Wavelength", 
                      hue="t (min)", 
                      palette=sns.color_palette('coolwarm', n_colors=5), 