Following is how I'm creating dynamic link
//Buiid dynamic link
DynamicLink dynamicLink = FirebaseDynamicLinks.getInstance().createDynamicLink()
// Open links with this app on Android
.setAndroidParameters(new DynamicLink.AndroidParameters.Builder().build())
String dynamicLongUri = dynamicLink.getUri().toString();
Toast.makeText(Edit_Recipes.this, dynamicLongUri, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
The same url:""
is what I set as Deep link URL in firebase, and
is my domain in firebase.
I'm getting the long link correctly. However, when I tried to generate short link with the following code
shortLinkTask.addOnCompleteListener(this, new OnCompleteListener<ShortDynamicLink>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<ShortDynamicLink> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// Short link created
shortLink = task.getResult().getShortLink().toString();
Uri flowchartLink = task.getResult().getPreviewLink();
Toast.makeText(Edit_Recipes.this, shortLink, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(Edit_Recipes.this, "null", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
I always get null
. Please help I don't know what I'm missing.
I ran into same error couple of months ago. I spent all day finding what was wrong.
As long as it is reaching the conditional (if-else) statement, Your code is completely correct and nothing wrong at all.
Solution It is usually a typographical error.