I'd like to be able to tail -F
some output, but not have it scrollback the entire buffer, only scroll inside a limited number of lines, say 5 lines.
How can I do this?
I tried
tail -F -n 5 /tmp/dump
but that doesn't seem to work - scrolling lines take up the whole buffer
The following solution isn't pretty - it uses an ANSI escape sequence - but I think it does roughly what you want without using watch
while true; do
tail -5 /tmp/dump | cut -c1-80
printf '\e[5A'
sleep 1
The sequence \e[5A
means go up five lines. The 5
can be replaced with whatever number you'd like.
That said, you'd be better off using a curses-like library for this kind of thing. Using raw ANSI escape sequences isn't portable. tput
is avaiable in Linux and Cygwin. The cuu
capability moves up lines.
while true; do
tail -5 /tmp/dump | cut -c1-80
tput cuu 5
sleep 1