I am trying to translate/replicate into R a shorthand "for loop" technique that I would use in EViews. I'm trying to replicate a "for loop" where I would divide one time series variable by another (vectors) and save it as a new series.
As I use a common naming convention (for example GDP (real), GDPn (nominal) and GDP_P (prices), see EViews example below), I can declare the list of variables once and use changes in the suffix ("n" or "_P") to create dynamic series names and loop through the calculations I need. My input data is national accounts expenditure series.
'EViews shorthand "for next" loop:
for %CATS {%cats}
series {%cats}_P= {%cats}n / {%cats}
'Which is shorthand replication of below ("series" declares a series of the subsequent name):
series GDP_P = GDPn / GDP
series CONS_P = CONSn / CONS
series INV_P = INVn / INV
series GOV_P = GOVn / GOV
series EX_P = EXn / EX
series IM_P = IMn / IM
So far I've tried using an R for loop (which I have read is not the preferred way in R) by creating a vector of the series name and used "assign(paste" to do the calculation. An example is below but it does not work. From what I have read about the "for" command, the declared series for "i" can only be a vector of values or a vector of names with no further context:
for (i in cats){
assign(paste(i, "_P",sep=""), paste(i, "n",sep="")/i)
I've also done a lot of reading into the "apply" function and derivatives, but I can't see how it works the above scenario. Any suggestions for how to do this in R is helpful.
Your function should work like this:
for (i in cats){
assign(paste(i, "_P",sep=""), get(paste(i, "n",sep=""))/get(i))
The get
will use the strings you provide and find the vector of that name.
There's also a non-for-loop way of doing it, using the idea from one of the answers here:
txt<-paste0(cats, "_P <- ", cats, "n/", cats)
will include a list of all the lines that you would have had to type to create all your vectors manually, and then eval(parse(text=txt))
takes each of those commands and executes them one by one.
You can of course skip the assigning of the text to txt
-- I just wanted it to be clearer what's going on here:
eval(parse(text=paste0(cats, "_P <- ", cats, "n/", cats)))