I would like to format my date YYYY/MM/DD to more friendly mode.
I use android-databinding.
my expects output should be example: Tuesday, 22 August 2006. My Current input from Json is "2018-09-27" (String data in model)
my code:
public class DateUtils {
SimpleDateFormat fromServer = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
SimpleDateFormat myFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy");
public String getDateToFromat (String reciveDate) {
String newFormatString = myFormat.format(fromServer.parse(reciveDate));
return newFormatString;
my layout:
<layout xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
<data class ="CurrencyBindingDetailItem">
<import type="com.example.htw.currencyconverter.utils.DateUtils"/>
<import type="android.view.View" />
<variable name="currencyItemDetailDate" type="com.example.htw.currencyconverter.model.CurrencyDate"/>
<variable name="currencyBindingItemDetail" type="com.example.htw.currencyconverter.model.CurrencyBinding"/>
<variable name="callback" type="com.example.htw.currencyconverter.callback.ClickCallback"/>
android:layout_gravity="center" />
and I do have error:
Found data binding errors.
****/ data binding error ****msg:**cannot find method getDateToFromat**(java.lang.String) in class com.example.htw.currencyconverter.utils.DateUtils
I did clean and restart and rebuild.
Why don't you create a databinding adapter, so your xml stays clearer? Since your date from the server is in string format, adapter will look like this:
public static void bindServerDate(@NonNull TextView textView, String date) {
/*Parse string data and set it in another format for your textView*/
The usage of it:
In your viewModel create ObservableField<String> serverDate
and set the value from your response, in xml set app:bindServerDate="@{viewModel.serverDate}"
. Don't forget to add viewModel
as variable
and set it from your activity/fragment