I have an array
ziparray = ["95626", "95645", "95837"]
I want to pass this to my sql query ,
sql = "SELECT * from table_name WHERE code in ($1);"
res1 = conn.exec(sql, [ziparray])
It does work for single values.
I am using pg gem and connecting to database using
conn = PG.connect()
I am using postgres and it doesn't take double quotes . I am assuming that to be the problem. How to achieve this.
I could convert to desired string using
str = "'"
str << ziparray.join("','")
str << "'"
#print str
But I guess the problem is passing of multiple parameters.
this works -
res1 = conn.exec(fipscodesql, ['95626'])
But not this
res1 = conn.exec(fipscodesql, ['95626', '95625'])
and this is exactly what I did when I converted the array to string. I guess this is not the right way to use parameters. is there any other way.
As others said, you can't parametrise a whole array. Use this instead:
ziparray = ["95626", "95645", "95837"]
zip_placeholders = ziparray.map.with_index(1) { |_, i| "$#{i}" }.join(', ')
sql = "SELECT * from table_name WHERE code in (#{zip_placeholders});"
# => "SELECT * from table_name WHERE code in ($1, $2, $3)"
Then you can use the normal parameter binding.