The following command is not working, does nothing:
sudo find /srv/my/directory -type f -iname '*.htm*' -iname '*.old1' -iname '*.php' | sudo xargs -iX sudo perl -p -i -e 's|\<\?php.*123456.*123456.*\?\>\r?\n\<\?php|<?php|g' 'X'
It does not replace anything in the files.
What is wrong?
sudo find /srv/my/directory -type f -iname '*.htm*' -or -iname '*.old1' -or -iname '*.php' | sudo xargs -iX sudo perl -0777 -p -i -e 's|\<\?php.*123456.*123456.*\?\>\r?\n\<\?php|<?php|g' 'X'
SOLUTION 2 (extends capability for multiple situations in regexp):
sudo find /srv/my/directory -type f -iname '*.htm*' -or -iname '*.old1' -or -iname '*.php' | sudo xargs -iX sudo perl -0777 -p -i -e 's@\<\?php.*123456.*123456.*\?\>(\r?\n|\#\!.*)\<\?php@<?php@gs' 'X'
When specifying several conditions to find
, they are by default connected by an implicit -and
. No file can match -iname '*.old1' -and -iname '*.php'
. You must specify -or
Unless told otherwise, perl -p
reads the file line by line, so it can't match \n<
. Use -0777
to read the whole file instead of processing it line by line.
sudo find /srv/my/directory -type f \
-iname '*.htm*' -or -iname '*.old1' -or -iname '*.php' \
| sudo xargs -iX sudo perl -0777 -p -i \
-e 's/<\?php.*123456.*123456.*\?>\r?\n<\?php/<?php/g' 'X'
BTW, you don't need to backslash <
and >
in Perl regexes.