So I'm trying to switch from C# console to form, but I always read that never repeat our code etc.
My first project would be a calculator, and I found a site just to take a look how it looks like in win form, but in this code there are a lot of repeating. Is this normal in form, in let's say a calculator?
That is a lot of repetition, to improve it add one click event handler for all of the buttons, eg:
btn1.Click += btnClick;
btn2.Click += btnClick;
Then cast the sender to a Button to get which one was clicked, a rough example:
private void btnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var btnName = ((Button)sender).Name;
var btnValue = btnName.Replace("btn",string.Empty);
if (textBox1.Text == "0" && textBox1.Text != null)
textBox1.Text = btnValue;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + btnValue;
Don't forget to unhook the event subscriptions in the form unload event:
btn1.Click -= btnClick;
btn2.Click -= btnClick;