My gulp tasks are not showing any values in Power Shell.
Everything is working, it's just a display problem. It happens for all different gulp plugins/tasks.
Down below you can see the screenshot of the actual problem. The lines with Css minified:
, Css prefixed:
, Finished 'cass_app' after
should end with some duration.
The issue is not linked to any of the plugins or tasks (it also happens with browser-sync not displaying local ports)...
Any idea ?
Thank you !
With your edit, I can see it now :D damn little numbers.
I have taken a look at the source code? I think gulp CLI used ANSI color characters which are not supported fully by Powershell.
Other workarounds I know for now:
flag: gulp <task_name> --no-color
. This looks a bit dull. Or, from PS, you can delegate the task to cmd then print the output to PS console:
$output = Invoke-Expression "gulp"
There are some discussions on this topic: