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Store refresh token in a cookie

I am initializing the chat through a token obtained calling to DirectLine Api (POST/v3/directline/tokens/generate). I store this token in a cookie and use it to resume a conversation. My problem is that the direct line automatically refreshes the token after 30 minutes and I didn't find a way to save the new token. Does anyone know how I can save the new token?

Thanks in advance


  • Subscribing to conectionStatus of DirectLine enables listening for ConnectionStatus.Online which is fired after ConnectionStatus.ExpiredToken. Then, update the cookie:

    directLine.connectionStatus$.subscribe(connectionStatus => {
        if (connectionStatus === ConnectionStatus.Online) {

    Reference DirectLineJs source:

     public reconnect(conversation: Conversation) {
            this.token = conversation.token;
            this.streamUrl = conversation.streamUrl;
            if (this.connectionStatus$.getValue() === ConnectionStatus.ExpiredToken)