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Encapsulating and Disposing SqlClient Objects In Order

I am trying to layer my Sql client object calls such that they get disposed of reliably. Something like this:

Open database connection -> Create command -> Read results -> close command -> close database connection

So far this has succeeded when I do all of these things in the same method.

The problem is this is error prone. And a mess to read through.

When I try to create a common method to handle this that cleans up everything and returns a reader the connection gets closed before the reader starts.

//closes connection before it can be read...apparently the reader doesn't actually have any data at that point ... relocating to disposable class that closes on dispose
public SqlDataReader RunQuery(SqlCommand command)
    SqlDataReader reader = null;
    using (var dbConnection = new SqlConnection(_dbConnectionString))

            command.Connection = dbConnection;

            reader = command.ExecuteReader();  // connection closed before data can be read by the calling method
        catch (Exception e)

    return reader;

I can get around this by creating my own class that implements IDispose (etc) but then when I wrap it with the same using statement it takes up just as many lines as a database connection using statement.

How can I take care of the data base connection in a repeatable class that takes care of all these artifacts and closes the connection?


  • so there's no way to make a reusable method that tucks away all/most of the nested using statements?

    There is a specific pattern supported for returning a DataReader from a method, like this:

    static IDataReader GetData(string connectionString, string query)
        var con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        var cmd = con.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = query;
        var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
        return rdr;

    Then you can call this method in a using block:

        using (var rdr = GetData(constr, sql))
            while (rdr.Read())
                //process rows
        } // <- the DataReader _and_ the connection will be closed here