I have spent a lot of time searching the web and seeing a lot of similar answers, but cannot find anything that works for my situation.
I spent some time converting my MySQL database to UTF-8 from latin1 (the default). I emptied the tables (truncate), and re-imported the data from a text file. I have set the headers for my pages to use the meta tag to UTF-8:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="UTF-8" />
And that's being used everywhere. When I read data via PHP and output it into forms, and such, the data appears correctly, text like: Königstadt appear as one might hope. Saving them (update set ...) they seem to be okay, because when I re-read them from the data the display in the form is correct. (The display in PHP Admin shows "Königstadt", which is weird, but when I read the data it seems to be correct ... -- I am hoping this is some oddity of PHPAdmin)
Where everything seems to be falling down on me is my Ajax code, when I retrieve data via PHP using Ajax. The following is a relatively simple routine that calls a PHP program to generate the option tags for an SELECT:
function get_branches()
// numeric values that need to be passed to the
// routine (so we show the correct item selected)
var region = document.getElementById("search_region").value;
// the code in load_branches needs this, but ...
var branch = document.getElementById("search_branch").value;
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo $Roster_html_RootPath; ?>lookups/load_branches.php",
data: {
'region' : region,
'local_branch' : branch
//cache: false,
success: function(data)
// load contents of DIV tag with id of branchoptions:
} // end success
}); // end ajax call
}; // end function get_branches()
}); // end document.ready ...
Most of the records returned are fine. However the one shown above (Königstadt) looks like: Königstadt in the HTML Select that is returned.
I have been trying to find a solution, such as setting contentType for Ajax, here are things I have tried:
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8",
This one doesn't seem to make any difference at all. Nothing changes.
contentType: "application/text; charset=utf-8",
(or application/json) This kills the values being passed to the PHP file -- the data array doesn't seem to get there, because I get errors from PHP:
Notice: Undefined index: region in C:\xampp\htdocs\Heralds\Roster\lookups\load_branches.php on line 32
Notice: Undefined index: local_branch in C:\xampp\htdocs\Heralds\Roster\lookups\load_branches.php on line 33
I am at a complete loss how to return the values correctly. I need versions for both text or html (where I return an html table or the option tags as here), but I also need to use the json array for some of my code to return the values correctly. None of them seem to work properly with UTF-8 encoded data. I have been working on this for some time now, and am very frustrated. The explanations I am seeing are not working or in some cases not making sense ...
PHP lookups/load_branches.php
// if session has not started:
// load some basic configuration, including relative paths
// and variables needed ...
include_once( "../includes/configuration.php" );
// data connection
include_once( $Roster_RootPath . "includes/connect.php");
// values from Ajax code:
$region = $_POST["region"];
$local_branch = $_POST["local_branch"];
// open the roster_branches table and get list
if( $region > 0 ) // check only needed for find_by_branch.php
$branch_statement = "select * from roster_branches where region=" . $region . " order by local";
$branch_statement = "select * from roster_branches order by local";
// first, get the data from the table:
$branch_result = mysqli_query( $connect, $branch_statement );
if( !$branch_result )
$out = "";
$out .= "<div class='alert alert-danger'>";
$out .= "<p><b>Error in SQL statement ...</b><br />";
$errornum = mysqli_errno( $connect );
$out .= "MySQL Error Number: " . $errornum . "<br />";
$out .= "MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error( $connect ) . "<br />";
$out .= "SQL Statement: " . $branch_statement . "</p>";
$out .= "</div>";
echo $out;
$out = "";
// create select:
$out = "<select class='form-control' id='local_branch' name='local_branch'>\n";
// need the blank option:
$out .= " <option value=0 selected></option>\n";
while( $branch_row = mysqli_fetch_array( $branch_result ) )
$id = $branch_row["rb_id"];
$local = $branch_row["local"];
$selected = "";
if( $local_branch == $id )
$selected = " selected";
$out .= "<option value=" . $id . $selected . ">" . $local . "</option> \n";
$out .= "</select>\n";
echo $out;
} // we have something
my MySQL database to UTF-8 from latin1 (the default).
1) I used "utf8_unicode_ci". 2) I have no idea what "multibyte safe functions" you're talking about. I use mysqli_real_escape_string() when reading data from $_POST, and the usual mysqli_query() and so on functions
This is the cause of your issue.
There are 3 main places to work to correct this:
You need to enable true UTF-8 (4-byte) in MySQL so that data stored in your SQL is stored as the correct UTF-8 characters. by universally using collations and character sets with the utf8mb4_
To ensure data from your application/PHP is saved correctly you then need to ensure that the data is passed to MySQL as UTF-8 4-byte characters by setting the connection character set to full (4-byte) UTF-8 in your PHP:
$mysqliObject->set_charset('utf8mb4'); // object oriented style
mysqli_set_charset($connect, 'utf8mb4'); // procedural code style
Finally; you need to ensure that any processing PHP does with the resulting data is multi-byte aware; by using the mbstring
set of functions.
Most notably:
— Detect and convert HTTP output character encodingmb_internal_encoding()
— Set PHP's internal character encodingSo your top of each PHP page should look like this before any browser output)
Then if you do anything with str_<whatever>
functions (and some others) you know it won't break you strings before they're output to the browser (ajx in this case).
If you can't use mbstring
functions for any reason then check out here [how to install them](http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/kb/article/how-to-enable-mbstring-in-php-46.html
Please also review this excellent Q&A has helped you at all?
Further reading about solving the MySQL side of things can be found here.