What I already have discoverd:
git stash list
... for listing all my stashes.
git stash show -p stash@{0} --name-only
To list all files within that stash (here the latest stash at position 0).
Now I have a project with hundreds of old stashed changes which will not be needed anymore. I know I could delete them all:
git stash clear
... or delete single stashes like this (deletes the stash with 87 stashes afterwards):
git stash drop stash@{87}
However I would like to delete the stashes 3-107. With a risky guess I tried:
git stash drop stash@{3-107} -- does not work
How can I do this?
Edit: We have to loop backwards because removing a stash changes the index of all stashes.
git stash drop
doesn't accept more than one revision at a time;
$ git stash drop stash@\{{4..1}\}
Too many revisions specified: 'stash@{4}' 'stash@{3}' 'stash@{2}' 'stash@{1}'
You could achieve this with a loop in your shell. For example in bash
$ for i in {4..1}; do
> git stash drop stash@{$i};
> done
Dropped stash@{4} (175f810a53b06da05752b5f08d0b6550ca10dc55)
Dropped stash@{3} (3526a0929dac4e9042f7abd806846b5d527b0f2a)
Dropped stash@{2} (44357bb60f406d29a5d39ea0b5586578223953ac)
Dropped stash@{1} (c97f46ecab45846cc2c6138d7ca05348293344ce)