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Issue with onLocationChanged(Location loc) & ASync Task in Android

I have an android app that connects to the internet to do a reverse geocode on lat and long co-ordinates in real time. This lags the UI and can cause it to give a "not responding - force close/wait" error(as expected without using async/ threads-handlers!)

I have implemented an Async Task which works very well(no more UI lag!), but variables set inside the onLocationChanged method (that sets them to the latitude & longitude) are inaccessible. The class I am doing this in, is linked to another seperate class that passes the variables and can send an sms to a person which includes the reverse-geocoded address. However, since implementing the Async Task using the doinbackground method, I can no longer send what I need. I don't know if I can explain any better, I will provide sample code.

public void onLocationChanged(Location loc){
    mylat = loc.getLatitude();
    mylong = loc.getLongitude();

afaik, this is the code that does the internet stuff, that lags the 
UI.  If I put this in doinbackground, it cannot access mylat & my long, 
and the "loc.getLatitude" has to be done in the "onLocationChanged" 
method, which HAS to exist. If I leave the ListAddress code outside the 
doinbackground, everything works, BUT the UI will obviously lag.
List<Address> addresses = geoCoder.getFromLocation(mylat,mylong, 1); 

Can anyone advise the best way to get mylat = loc.getLatitude(); & mylat = loc.getLatitude(); inside the doinbackground method?


    1. Override the constructor of your AsyncTask and set mylat and mylong as variables in that class
    2. or pass them to the doInBackground method directly.

      ... extends AsyncTask<Double, ProgressType, ReturnType> {
          protected ReturnType doInBackground(Double... params) {
              mylat = params[0];
              mylong = params[1];
              List addresses = geoCoder.getFromLocation(mylat, mylong, 1);

      and call it with execute(mylat, mylong);