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Excel vba - How to copy/paste when range varies

Got a sheet holding 7000 rows. Data is in columns A-C. Column A is teams, B is persons, and C is towns. Row 1 holds headers. Cell A2 is the first team name. Cell B2: C23 is persons and towns (no empty cells). However, cell A3: A23 is empty. The team name is only written out for the first row of persons/towns.

Row 24 is blank. In A25 there is a new team name. B25:C38 is persons/towns. A26: A38 is empty.

What I want to do is to copy/paste team name in A2 down to empty cells in A3: A23. And then do the same with the team name in A25 to A26: A38. And so on down about 7000 rows for 370 teams.

But the number of rows in use for each team varies, so how can a VBA take this into account? The only fixed information is that there is an empty row between each team/person/town-section.


  • I came up with a quick solution that takes into account blank lines:

    Option Explicit
    Sub completeTeams()
        Dim i As Long
        Const startDataRow = 2
        Dim lastDataRow As Long
        Dim lastTeamRow As Long
        Dim lastTeamFound As String
        Dim teamCellData As String
        Dim isEmptyLine As Boolean
        Rem getting the last row with data (so using column B or C)
        lastDataRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
        teamCellData = vbNullString
        lastTeamFound = ActiveSheet.Cells(startDataRow, "A").Text
        For i = startDataRow To lastDataRow
            Rem trying to get the actual team name
            teamCellData = ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "A").Text
            Rem check to skip empty lines
            isEmptyLine = Len(teamCellData) = 0 And Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "B").Text) = 0
            If isEmptyLine Then GoTo skipBlankLine
            If Len(teamCellData) > 0 Then
                lastTeamFound = teamCellData
            End If
            ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "A").Value = lastTeamFound
    End Sub