Search code examples

Return the base64 representation of an image

I have the following code taken from David S. Tufts barcode PHP script:

function barcode( $filepath = "", $text = "0", $size = "20", $orientation = "horizontal", $code_type = "code128", $print = false, $SizeFactor = 1 ) {
    $code_string = "";
    $chksum      = 104;
    // Must not change order of array elements as the checksum depends on the array's key to validate final code
    $code_array  = [
        " "       => "212222",
        "!"       => "222122",
        "\""      => "222221",
        "#"       => "121223",
        "$"       => "121322",
        "%"       => "131222",
        "&"       => "122213",
        "'"       => "122312",
        "("       => "132212",
        ")"       => "221213",
        "*"       => "221312",
        "+"       => "231212",
        ","       => "112232",
        "-"       => "122132",
        "."       => "122231",
        "/"       => "113222",
        "0"       => "123122",
        "1"       => "123221",
        "2"       => "223211",
        "3"       => "221132",
        "4"       => "221231",
        "5"       => "213212",
        "6"       => "223112",
        "7"       => "312131",
        "8"       => "311222",
        "9"       => "321122",
        ":"       => "321221",
        ";"       => "312212",
        "<"       => "322112",
        "="       => "322211",
        ">"       => "212123",
        "?"       => "212321",
        "@"       => "232121",
        "A"       => "111323",
        "B"       => "131123",
        "C"       => "131321",
        "D"       => "112313",
        "E"       => "132113",
        "F"       => "132311",
        "G"       => "211313",
        "H"       => "231113",
        "I"       => "231311",
        "J"       => "112133",
        "K"       => "112331",
        "L"       => "132131",
        "M"       => "113123",
        "N"       => "113321",
        "O"       => "133121",
        "P"       => "313121",
        "Q"       => "211331",
        "R"       => "231131",
        "S"       => "213113",
        "T"       => "213311",
        "U"       => "213131",
        "V"       => "311123",
        "W"       => "311321",
        "X"       => "331121",
        "Y"       => "312113",
        "Z"       => "312311",
        "["       => "332111",
        "\\"      => "314111",
        "]"       => "221411",
        "^"       => "431111",
        "_"       => "111224",
        "\`"      => "111422",
        "a"       => "121124",
        "b"       => "121421",
        "c"       => "141122",
        "d"       => "141221",
        "e"       => "112214",
        "f"       => "112412",
        "g"       => "122114",
        "h"       => "122411",
        "i"       => "142112",
        "j"       => "142211",
        "k"       => "241211",
        "l"       => "221114",
        "m"       => "413111",
        "n"       => "241112",
        "o"       => "134111",
        "p"       => "111242",
        "q"       => "121142",
        "r"       => "121241",
        "s"       => "114212",
        "t"       => "124112",
        "u"       => "124211",
        "v"       => "411212",
        "w"       => "421112",
        "x"       => "421211",
        "y"       => "212141",
        "z"       => "214121",
        "{"       => "412121",
        "|"       => "111143",
        "}"       => "111341",
        "~"       => "131141",
        "DEL"     => "114113",
        "FNC 3"   => "114311",
        "FNC 2"   => "411113",
        "SHIFT"   => "411311",
        "CODE C"  => "113141",
        "FNC 4"   => "114131",
        "CODE A"  => "311141",
        "FNC 1"   => "411131",
        "Start A" => "211412",
        "Start B" => "211214",
        "Start C" => "211232",
        "Stop"    => "2331112",
    $code_keys   = array_keys( $code_array );
    $code_values = array_flip( $code_keys );
    for ( $X = 1; $X <= strlen( $text ); $X ++ ) {
        $activeKey   = substr( $text, ( $X - 1 ), 1 );
        $code_string .= $code_array[ $activeKey ];
        $chksum      = ( $chksum + ( $code_values[ $activeKey ] * $X ) );
    $code_string .= $code_array[ $code_keys[ ( $chksum - ( intval( $chksum / 103 ) * 103 ) ) ] ];
    $code_string = "211214" . $code_string . "2331112";
    // Pad the edges of the barcode
    $code_length = 20;
    if ( $print ) {
        $text_height = 30;
    } else {
        $text_height = 0;

    for ( $i = 1; $i <= strlen( $code_string ); $i ++ ) {
        $code_length = $code_length + (integer) ( substr( $code_string, ( $i - 1 ), 1 ) );
    if ( strtolower( $orientation ) == "horizontal" ) {
        $img_width  = $code_length * $SizeFactor;
        $img_height = $size;
    } else {
        $img_width  = $size;
        $img_height = $code_length * $SizeFactor;
    $image = imagecreate( $img_width, $img_height + $text_height );
    $black = imagecolorallocate( $image, 0, 0, 0 );
    $white = imagecolorallocate( $image, 255, 255, 255 );
    imagefill( $image, 0, 0, $white );
    if ( $print ) {
        imagestring( $image, 5, 31, $img_height, $text, $black );
    $location = 10;
    for ( $position = 1; $position <= strlen( $code_string ); $position ++ ) {
        $cur_size = $location + ( substr( $code_string, ( $position - 1 ), 1 ) );
        if ( strtolower( $orientation ) == "horizontal" ) {
            imagefilledrectangle( $image, $location * $SizeFactor, 0, $cur_size * $SizeFactor, $img_height,
                ( $position % 2 == 0 ? $white : $black ) );
        } else {
            imagefilledrectangle( $image, 0, $location * $SizeFactor, $img_width, $cur_size * $SizeFactor, ( $position % 2 == 0 ? $white : $black ) );
        $location = $cur_size;
    // Draw barcode to the screen or save in a file
    if ( $filepath == "" ) {
        header( 'Content-type: image/png' );
        imagepng( $image );
        imagedestroy( $image );
    } else {
        imagepng( $image, $filepath );
        imagedestroy( $image );

barcode( "", "foo", "20", "horizontal", "code128", true, "1" );

This returns a barcode image: barcode1

How can I recode this and return a bytecode text like:


instead of an image?

I have already tried changing the line:



return "data:image/png;base64,".base64_encode(imagepng($image));

but it doesn't seem to work.


  • All you need to do is turn on output buffering before you make your calls, then get the buffer contents.

        $contents = null;
        ob_start();  // Start output buffering
        imagealphablending($resource, true);
        imagesavealpha($resource, true);
        $contents = ob_get_flush(); // Stop output buffering