I am trying to visualize a training session I trained in a remote server. I used scp to copy the file in my local iMac. I tried to visualize the data by running tensorboard. It runs the tensorboard site but I can't get the visualization. Every chart has a single dot at zero. I get this warning on the terminal.
WARNING:tensorflow:Unable to get first event timestamp for run
WARNING:tensorflow:Unable to get first event timestamp for run
WARNING:tensorflow:Unable to get first event timestamp for run
WARNING:tensorflow:Unable to get first event timestamp for run
WARNING:tensorflow:Unable to get first event timestamp for run
Any idea what is going on?
I ran into a similar problem. There are 2 solutions to it -
In given below picture, first I build logs in directory 2 which resulted in same error/warnings. Later I changed the directory to 3 and build logs there and tensorboard ran successfully.