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Oxidshop - Custom field on basket page

I am customising an instance of oxidshop installed on my local machine. I want to add a text field on first step of basket page. The field will save the value to a new column in oxorder page.

Any idea how to get this to work?


  • since order object is created after step 4, you will need to store user input somewhere.

    I suggest using session.
    Therefore you will need to redirect the "continue to the next step" button on basket page to a new function (which stores user input in session) in user controller by adding "fnc=myfunction" request parameter to the form being submitted:

    <input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="myfunction"/>

    After this value is stored in session, you will need to extend oxOrderfunction _setUser() and after calling parent::_setUser() you can save your session variable in oxorder: protected function _setUser ($oUser) { parent::_setUser($oUser); $this->assign(['oxorder__myvalue' => oxRegistry::getSession()->getVariable('myvalue')]); }

    you will also need to remove "checkout" button in minibasket flyout/popup, because it skips the basket page and jumps right into step 2.