I have a function that must have this signature and must return an array of Test objects
+ (NSArray <Test *>*_Nullable) getAllDetails
Within the function I am doing a GET request using RESTKIT asynchronously which fetches the data succesfully from a remote REST API and saving to an array which I return here. Because the function returns before the block has executed when I call the class somewhere else with [MyClass getAllDetails];
function my array of Test objects is nil however when I log within the call the array is populated. Been a while i've done some OJB-C and blocks for that matter.
This is a wrong approach if you are fetching the data asynchronously you should use the block approach or create delegate method to handle the response.
You can try block approach like this
//Declare your block like this in your class
typedef void (^GetAllRequestBlock)(NSArray <Test *>*_Nullable);
And Use it in your function like :-
+ (void)getAllDetails:(GetAllRequestBlock)completionHandler{
BOOL response = true; // Your api response check
if (response) {
if completionHandler{
completionHandler(Array); // Pass your array custom array that you've defined in the block
if completionHandler{