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How to copy IterationPath, or value of IterationPath field on transition of WorkItem

In TFS, I need to be able to copy the value of the iteration path to another field to store. This is for historical purposes (so the user doesn't have to look through hundreds of changes in the change log.)

I realize I cannot create a field of type "TreePath". But since this is just for display, a read-only text editor will be fine.

Is there a way to copy the string value of the System.IterationPath?


  • No, that's impossible. TFS restricts customization of system fields.

    Most rules are disabled on the special system fields like System.AreaPath and System.IterationPath.

    Please see System field rules for details:

    System fields have System.Name reference names, for example System.Title and System.State. TFS restricts customization of these fields, except for these instances:

    • HELPTEXT rule can be assigned to all fields.
    • READONLY rule can be assigned to the State and Reason fields.
    • Most rules can be assigned to the Title, Assigned To, Description or Changed By System fields.