I have strange problem.
Line 61: $this->_currentRoute = Default_Model_Routes::getInstance()->getCurrentRoute();
.......... other code ..........
Line 86: var_dump(isset($this->_currentRoute['url']));
Line 87: var_dump($this->_currentRoute['url']);
Line 88: if ($this->_currentRoute['url'] == $currentUrl)
Line 89: $navigation[$key]['active'] = true;
Line 90: var_dump($this->_currentRoute);
This is result:
string(62) "cs/Polozka-menu-1/Polozka-menu-1-1/Polozka-menu-1-1-1/Clanek-1"
array(17) {
string(62) "cs/Polozka-menu-1/Polozka-menu-1-1/Polozka-menu-1-1-1/Clanek-1"
string(7) "article"
And in the error log:
[09-Mar-2011 19:49:32] PHP Notice: Undefined index: url in ...file... on line 87
[09-Mar-2011 19:49:32] PHP Notice: Undefined index: url in ...file... on line 88
Please, if you have any ideas where could be problem or how to fix, tell me. Thank you :)
I have tried another test:
$test = array();
echo $test['lol'];
With this result:
Notice: Undefined index: lol in ...file... on line 92
Somethink really interesting: THIS 'lol' error is displayed in output, BUT the 'url' error IS NOT ! It is only in the log ... why ????? It's same file, line under the 'url' var_dump() ... crazy
to a variable first?$route = $this->_currentRoute;
var_dump(array_key_exists('url', $route));
print "PRINTING: ".$route['url'];
die("ENDING ON LINE [".__LINE__."] !!!");
This was unfortunately an issue with Zend Server, or bleeding edge PHP 5.3.3.