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Playframework 2.5 [Java]: I can't insert one column data to my database

I'm using MySQL with Play, when I use Ebean to save data, all the data seems to be there except one column.

The following is my account entity:

public class Account extends Model {
    public static final int SUPER_ADMIN_COMPANY = -1;   
    public String id;

    @Column(nullable=false, length=100,unique=true)
    public String username;

    /**password is not required if type is not 0*/
    public String password;

    public String nicname;

    public String mobile;

    public String email;

    public Company company;

    public Date createTime;

    public Integer roleType; // 0 = super admin, 1 = admin, 2 = user

    public Boolean isEnabled = true;

    public static Find<String, Account> finder = 
            new Find<String, Account>(){};

    public static final int E_SUPERADMIN = 0;
    public static final int E_ADMIN      = 1;
    public static final int E_USER       = 2;

Also, this is my read method:

    public Result create() {
        Form<Account> form = formFactory.form(Account.class);

        try {
            String userId = session("userId");
            Account adminAccount = Account.finder.byId(userId);

            if (adminAccount == null) {
                throw new CodeException(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_INCORRECT_PARAM);               

            if (adminAccount.roleType != 0 && adminAccount.roleType !=1) {
                throw new CodeException(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_UNAUTHENTICATED);               

            if (!Authority.hasAccessRight(authority.accessRight, Authority.E_AUTHORITY_MENU)) {
                throw new CodeException(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_UNAUTHENTICATED);               

            if (form.hasErrors()) {     
                throw new CodeException(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_INCORRECT_PARAM);

            Account newAccount = form.bindFromRequest().get();
            if (Account.finder.where().eq("username", newAccount.username).findRowCount() != 0) {
                throw new CodeException(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXIST);

            if (newAccount.password == null || newAccount.password.isEmpty()) {
                throw new CodeException(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_NO_PASSWORD);

            if (newAccount.password != null && !newAccount.password.isEmpty()) {
                newAccount.password = CodeGenerator.generateMD5(newAccount.password);               

   = CodeGenerator.generateShortUUId();
            newAccount.createTime = new Date();

//          if (newAccount.roleType < 0 || newAccount.roleType > 2) {
//              throw new CodeException(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_INCORRECT_PARAM);               
//          }
            if (adminAccount.roleType == 0) {
                if (newAccount.roleType == 1) {
                    newAccount.roleType = 1;
                    newAccount.roleType = 2;
                newAccount.roleType = 2;

            newAccount.isEnabled = true;


            return success("id",;
        catch (CodeException ce) {
            return failure(ce.getCode());
        catch (Throwable e) {
            return failure(ErrDefinition.E_ACCOUNT_CREATE_FAILED);

The following is my MySql data: enter image description here

I use postman to test the read interface,and also input company_id data,but it was not successgful. How could I resolve this?


  • edit

    @JoinColumn(name = "company_id", referencedColumnName = "company_id")
    private Company company;

    so adding the "referencedColumnName" to refer to the column in the company table conclusively solved this issue for me (tested) (you should also have the @OneToMany annotation as described below).

    old answer:

    I think you need to use a join column for the ManyToOne relationship,

    @JoinColumn(name = "company_id")
    public Company company;


    You probably also need something like this in your Company class (could you post your existing code for it?):

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "company")
    private List<Accounts> accounts = new Arraylist<>();